如何选择基金的 dividend payout ratio?

如何选择基金的 dividend payout ratio?

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Dividend payout ratio is a measure of a company's ability to pay out dividends to its shareholders. It is calculated by dividing the company's annual dividend per share by its market value per share.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a dividend payout ratio:

  • The company's financial health: A company with a strong financial position is more likely to pay out dividends that are higher than a company with a weak financial position.
  • The company's growth prospects: A company that is expected to grow rapidly is more likely to pay out dividends that are higher than a company that is expected to grow slowly.
  • The company's industry: Different industries have different dividend payout ratios. For example, companies in cyclical industries are more likely to pay out dividends that are higher than companies in non-cyclical industries.
  • The company's payout history: A company that has a history of paying out dividends is more likely to continue paying out dividends in the future.

Here are some tips for choosing a dividend payout ratio:

  • Start by considering the company's financial health.
  • Next, consider the company's growth prospects.
  • Then, consider the company's industry.
  • Finally, consider the company's payout history.

Once you have considered these factors, you can make an informed decision about the dividend payout ratio to choose.
