

潘建平 情执才是苦恼的原因,放下了情执,你才能得到自在。


  • 基金股票的风险主要体现在以下几个方面:
    • **市场风险:**基金股票的投资组合会受到市场波动的影响,市场风险是不可避免的。
    • **行业风险:**特定行业的基金股票风险更高,例如金融行业、科技行业等。
    • **公司风险:**特定公司基金股票风险更高,例如科技公司、金融公司等。


  • 基金股票的收益主要体现在以下几个方面:
    • ** dividend:**基金公司会根据其内部决策,向基金股票支付 dividend。
    • ** capital appreciation:**基金股票的价值会随着市场价格的上升而增加,这就是资本回报。
    • ** dividends growth:**一些基金公司会通过 buyback 等方式,向其股票支付 dividend。


  • **风险收益比 (Risk-Return Ratio):**风险收益比 measures the fund's risk and return relative to a benchmark, such as the S&P 500. It is calculated by dividing the annualized standard deviation of the fund's returns by its annualized standard deviation. A higher risk-return ratio indicates that the fund has higher potential for high returns but also higher potential for losses.
  • **Sharpe ratio:**Sharpe ratio measures the excess return of a fund relative to a risk-free rate. It is calculated by dividing the annualized excess return by the annualized standard deviation of the risk-free rate. A higher Sharpe ratio indicates that the fund has higher excess return for its level of risk.
  • **Sortino ratio:**Sortino ratio measures the excess return of a fund relative to a risk-free rate, adjusted for the risk of the market. It is calculated by dividing the annualized excess return by the annualized standard deviation of a market-adjusted portfolio. A higher Sortino ratio indicates that the fund has higher excess return for its level of risk.


  • 基金股票的风险与收益是相互关联的。
  • 不同的风险水平对应不同的收益水平。
  • 基金股票的风险收益比、Sharpe ratio 和 Sortino ratio 是常用的指标用于衡量和比较基金股票的风险与收益。